Oracle: Prepare database for upgrade using autoupgrade.jar

Oracle: Prepare database for upgrade using autoupgrade.jar

In my job, I often have to upgrade or patch Oracle databases. Furtunately, most of all the databases in production are now on 19c, and the rest is mainly on

The best tool for upgrading is autoupgrade.jar, which in future will be the only upgrade tool for Oracle databases.


First, download the latest (and always check that!) version of autoupgrade.jar from Oracle and copy it to the source system.

Then execute autoupgrade.jar like that:

# java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config_values "sid=$ORACLE_SID,source_home=$ORACLE_HOME,target_version=19.25" -mode analyze

Be sure to use Java version 1.8. And if you like use rlwrap so you don't have to re-type all your commands (on Windows, it works out of the box).

But sometimes, I also find an old 11g database (fortunately 11.2 = 11gR2). When they are on the latest minor release, which means, I don't have any problems to upgade them to or 19c.

If your source version is something that's not supported to upgrade to Oracle 19c (like, or lower than, you will get this error:

AutoUpgrade 24.8.241119 launched with default internal options
Processing config file ...

There were conditions found preventing AutoUpgrade from successfully running

*Unsupported Upgrade
<database name> Source version [] cannot be upgraded to the specified target version [19.25]


When the versions are supported, it will show simething like this:

AutoUpgrade 24.8.241119 launched with default internal options
Processing config file ...
| Starting AutoUpgrade execution |
1 Non-CDB(s) will be analyzed
Type 'help' to list console commands

When Autoupgrade is running, these are the most important commands:

  • lsj: lists the jobs running (only one job per database, so it's quite important when you're updating many databases simultaneously)
  • status -job <number>: show the status of the job
upg> lsj
| 103| <dbname> |PRECHECKS|EXECUTING|RUNNING| 13:14:11| 0s ago|Loading database information|
Total jobs 1

After the job has finished, this is the output:

upg> Job 103 completed
------------------- Final Summary --------------------
Number of databases [ 1 ]

Jobs finished [1]
Jobs failed [0]

Please check the summary report at:

When you then have a look at the file status.log, you should see this or similar information:

          Autoupgrade Summary Report
[Date]           Tue Jan 21 13:14:17 CET 2025
[Number of Jobs] 1
[Job ID] 103
[DB Name]                <dbname>
[Version Before Upgrade]
[Version After Upgrade]  19.25
[Stage Name]    PRECHECKS
[Status]        FAILURE
[Start Time]    2025-01-21 13:14:11
[Duration]      0:00:05
[Log Directory] /tmp/autoupgrade/<dbname>/103/prechecks
[Detail]        /tmp/autoupgrade/<dbname>/103/prechecks/<dbname>_preupgrade.log
                Check failed for <dbname>, manual intervention needed for the below checks
Cause:The following checks have ERROR severity and no auto fixup is available or
the fixup failed to resolve the issue. Fix them before continuing:
Reason:Database Checks has Failed details in /tmp/autoupgrade/<dbname>/103/prechecks
Info:Return status is ERROR
Error Message:The following checks have ERROR severity and no auto fixup is available or
the fixup failed to resolve the issue. Fix them before continuing:


Here you can already see if there's something to prepare when the upgrades has to be done.

In this case, the database parameters

  • db_recovery_file_dest and
  • `db_recovery_file_dest_size

have to be defined to allow an upgrade.

Additionally, the file /tmp/autoupgrade/cfgtoollogs/upgrade/auto/status/status.log will show much more information about the upgrade.

This is the header:

Report generated by AutoUpgrade 24.8.241119 (#b404cf007) on 2025-01-21 13:14:17

Upgrade-To version:

Status of the database prior to upgrade
      Database Name:  <dbname>
     Container Name:  Not Applicable in Pre-12.1 database
       Container ID:  Not Applicable in Pre-12.1 database
     DB Patch Level:  UNKNOWN
         Compatible:  11.2.0
          Blocksize:  8192
           Platform:  Linux x86 64-bit
      Timezone File:  14
  Database log mode:  ARCHIVELOG
           Readonly:  false
            Edition:  EE

  Oracle Component                       Upgrade Action    Current Status
  ----------------                       --------------    --------------
  Oracle Server                          [to be upgraded]  VALID         
  Expression Filter                      [to be removed]   VALID         
  Oracle Workspace Manager               [to be upgraded]  VALID         
  Rule Manager                           [to be removed]   VALID         
  Oracle XML Database                    [to be upgraded]  VALID         

  * ALL Components in This Database Registry:
  Component   Current      Current      Original     Previous     Component   
  CID         Version      Status       Version      Version      Schema      
  ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------
  CATALOG   VALID                                  SYS         
  CATPROC   VALID                                  SYS         
  EXF   VALID                                  EXFSYS      
  OWM   VALID                                  WMSYS       
  RUL   VALID                                  EXFSYS      
  XDB   VALID                                  XDB         


Let's go to the Required Actions:


1. (AUTOFIXUP) Set a value for the compatible parameter in pfile/spfile.

2. Configure Fast Recovery Area in the database by issuing the following commands:

Recommended Actions

3. Data Pump Advanced Queuing

3. (AUTOFIXUP) Connect to the database as SYS to drop all Data Pump Advanced
Queuing (AQ) tables prior to upgrading. Check MOS note 2789059.1 for
The database needs to be free of Data Pump Advanced Queuing (AQ) tables
in order for Data Pump AQ message types to be re-created during the
database upgrade.
There exists at least one Data Pump Advanced Queuing (AQ) table in the
SYS schema which might prevent Data Pump AQ message types from getting


(AUTOFIXUP) Explicitly set RESOURCE_LIMIT to FALSE in the pfile/spfile to
retain the previous behavior.
The RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter default value changed from
FALSE to TRUE in onwards. Without an explicit setting, the
upgrade may introduce unintented RESOURCE_LIMIT enforcement.
the RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter is not explicitly set in the

5. Perform one of the following:

Perform one of the following:
       1) Expire user accounts that use only the old 10G password version and
      follow the procedure recommended in Oracle Database Upgrade Guide under
      the section entitled, "Checking for Accounts Using Case-Insensitive
      Password Version".
       2) Explicitly set SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER in the 19
      SQLNET.ORA to a non-Exclusive Mode value, such as "11". (This is a short
      term approach and is not recommended because it will retain known
      security risks associated with the 10G password version.)
      Starting with Oracle Database release, Exclusive Mode is the new
      default password-based authentication mode. All Exclusive Mode
      login/authentication attempts will fail for preexisting user accounts
      which only have the 10G password version and neither the 11G or 12C
      password version (see DBA_USERS.PASSWORD_VERSIONS.) For more information,
      refer to "Understanding Password Case Sensitivity and Upgrades" in the
      Oracle Database Upgrade Guide.
      Your database system has at least one account with only the 10G password
      version (see the PASSWORD_VERSIONS column of DBA_USERS).
  1. Recompile
  6.  (AUTOFIXUP) Run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql to
      recompile. Parameter job_queue_processes is set to 10. The script to
      recompile invalid objects will run parallel.
      There should be no INVALID objects in Oracle-maintained schemas before
      database upgrade.
      1 objects are INVALID.
      minimums. This action may be done now or when starting the database in
      upgrade mode using the 19 ORACLE HOME.
      The database upgrade process requires certain initialization parameters
      to meet minimum values. The Oracle upgrade process itself has minimum
      values which may be higher and are marked with an asterisk. After
      upgrading, those asterisked parameter values may be reset if needed.
       Parameter                                 Currently  19 minimum
       ---------                                 ---------  ------------------
      *java_pool_size                             33554432           117440512
  1. Remove STREAMS
  8.  Remove Streams setup. For detailed steps, refer to the section "Removing
      an Oracle Streams Configuration" in the Oracle Streams Concepts and
      Administration Guide specific for the Oracle release from which you are
      removing. For versions pre-, the procedure
      dbms_streams_adm.remove_streams_configuration must not be used as may
      lead to unwanted results. Instead, use the other procedures
      (dbms_capture_adm.drop_capture, dbms_apply_adm.drop_apply,
      dbms_streams_adm.remove_queue, etc). For and higher, procedure
      dbms_streams_adm.remove_streams_configuration can be safely used.
      Starting with Oracle Database 19, Oracle Streams is desupported. It is
      strongly advised to remove any streams configuration manually.
      Oracle Streams feature is configured in the database.
  1. SPFile: memory parameters
  9.  Review below list of parameters set in memory only and for the ones that
      are intended to be permanent:
      1. Save these settings in respective SPFILE.
      2. Run AutoUpgrade in ANALYZE mode so that parameters can get reflected
      in interim pfiles created by the tool.
      The parameters with values that are in memory only are:
      Instance     Parameter      Memory Value        Parameter File Value
      ----------   ------------   -----------------   --------------------
      <dbname>     spfile         /data_<dbname>/dbs/sp   NONE                
      <dbname>     db_cache_siz   1241513984          1258291200          
      <dbname>     shared_pool_   822083584           805306368           
      <dbname>     sga_max_size   2952790016          2147483648          
      For database initialization parameter values that are not in the
      database's initialization parameter file (pfile/spfile), note that the
      values in memory only will be lost on database shutdown in the current
      Oracle home prior to upgrading. Hence, these values will not be used in
      the database upgrade unless they are recorded in the parameter file.
      Found at least one parameter with a value in memory that is not in the
      database's initialization parameter file.
  1. Statistics
  10. (AUTOFIXUP) Gather stale data dictionary statistics prior to database
      upgrade in off-peak time using:
      Dictionary statistics help the Oracle optimizer find efficient SQL
      execution plans and are essential for proper upgrade timing. Oracle
      recommends gathering dictionary statistics in the last 24 hours before
      database upgrade.
      For information on managing optimizer statistics, refer to the
      Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.
      Dictionary statistics do not exist or are stale (not up-to-date).
  1. Statistics for fixed objects
  11. (AUTOFIXUP) Gather statistics on fixed objects prior to the upgrade using
      the command:
      Gathering statistics on fixed objects, if none have been gathered yet, is
      recommended prior to upgrading.
      For information on managing optimizer statistics, refer to the
      Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.
      None of the fixed object tables have had stats collected.

Information only

  1. Remove EXF and RUL
  12. (AUTOFIXUP) Run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catnoexf.sql located in the new
      Oracle Database Oracle home to remove both EXF and RUL.
      Starting with Oracle Database release 12.1, the Expression Filter (EXF)
      and Database Rules Manager (RUL) features are desupported, and are
      removed during the upgrade process. This step can be manually performed
      before the upgrade to reduce downtime.
      Expression Filter (EXF) or Rules Manager (RUL) exist in the database.
  1. SPFile changes
  13. (AUTOFIXUP) Mandatory changes are applied automatically in the
      during_upgrade_pfile_dbname.ora file. Some of these changes maybe present
      in the after_upgrade_pfile_dbname.ora file. The
      during_upgrade_pfile_dbname.ora is used to start the database in upgrade
      mode. The after_upgrade_pfile_dbname.ora is used to start the database
      once the upgrade has completed successfully.
      Mandatory changes are required to perform the upgrade. These changes are
      implemented in the during_ and after_upgrade_pfile_dbname.ora files.
  1. RMAN Catalog
  14. Check the Oracle Backup and Recovery User's Guide for information on how
      to manage an RMAN recovery catalog schema.
      It is good practice to have the catalog schema the same or higher version
      than the RMAN client version you are using.
      If you are using a version of the recovery catalog schema that is older
      than that required by the RMAN client version, then you must upgrade the
      catalog schema.
  1. SYSTEM tablespace
  15. To help you keep track of your tablespace allocations, the following
      AUTOEXTEND tablespaces are expected to successfully EXTEND during the
      upgrade process.
      Minimum tablespace sizes for upgrade are estimates.
                                                 Min Size
      Tablespace                        Size     For Upgrade
      ----------                     ----------  -----------
      SYSTEM                             380 MB       664 MB
  1. Database registry
  16. Here are ALL the components in this database registry:
      Review the information before upgrading.
      Component Current     Current     Original    Previous    Component
      CID       Version     Status      Version     Version     Schema
      --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
      CATALOG  VALID                               SYS        
      CATPROC  VALID                               SYS        
      EXF  VALID                               EXFSYS     
      OWM  VALID                               WMSYS      
      RUL  VALID                               EXFSYS     
      XDB  VALID                               XDB        
  1. Invalid objects
  17. Here is a count of invalid objects by users:
      Review the information before upgrading.
      User Name                                   Number of INVALID Objects
      ---------------------------                 -------------------------
      <username>                                  1                        

After Upgrade

Required Actions


Recommended actions

  1. Timezone upgrade
  18. (AUTOFIXUP) Upgrade the database time zone file using the DBMS_DST
      Oracle recommends upgrading to the desired (latest) version of the time
      zone file. For more information, refer to "Upgrading the Time Zone File
      and Timestamp with Time Zone Data" in the 19 Oracle Database
      Globalization Support Guide.
      The database is using time zone file version 14 and the target 19
      $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo directory contains time zone file version
  1. Database directories
  19. Recreate directory objects to remove any symbolic links from directory
      paths. To identify paths that contain symbolic links before upgrading,
      use OS commands like UNIX file or WINDOWS dir. After upgrading, run
      $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utldirsymlink.sql to identify directory objects
      with symbolic links in the path.
      Starting in Release 18c, symbolic links are not allowed in directory
      object paths used with BFILE data types, the UTL_FILE package, or
      external tables.
      Found 2 user directory objects to be checked: DUMP, EXPIMP.
  1. Recompile objects with timezone mismatch
  20. (AUTOFIXUP) Recompile the objects with timestamp mismatch. Refer to MOS
      note 781959.1 for more details.
      Timestamp of dependent objects must coincide with the timestamp of parent
      There are objects whose timestamp are mismatched with its parent objects.
  1. Dictionary statistics
  21. (AUTOFIXUP) Gather dictionary statistics after the upgrade using the
      Dictionary statistics provide essential information to the Oracle
      optimizer to help it find efficient SQL execution plans. After a database
      upgrade, statistics need to be re-gathered as there can now be tables
      that have significantly changed during the upgrade or new tables that do
      not have statistics gathered yet.
      Oracle recommends gathering dictionary statistics after upgrade.
  1. Statistics for fixed objects
  22. Gather statistics on fixed objects after the upgrade and when there is a
      representative workload on the system using the command:
      Fixed object statistics provide essential information to the Oracle
      optimizer to help it find efficient SQL execution plans. Those statistics
      are specific to the Oracle Database release that generates them, and can
      be stale upon database upgrade.
      For information on managing optimizer statistics, refer to the
      Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.
      Oracle recommends gathering fixed object statistics after upgrade. This
      recommendation is given for all preupgrade runs.
  1. Post upgrade recompile
  23. (AUTOFIXUP) On post upgrade, AutoUpgrade recompiles invalid database
      objects with $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlprpom.sql
      Invalid database objects need to be recompiled after a database is
      upgraded. Note that starting with Release and later, AutoUpgrade
      recompiles only invalid objects in Oracle-maintained schemas and defers
      recompilation of invalid application objects post upgrade to users.
      There are 0 invalid objects in Oracle-maintained schemas and 0 invalid
      objects in application schemas after upgrade.


Autoupgrade is a great tool for Oracle database upgrades, and you can also use it for upgrade preparations. Fix each finding mady by Autoupgrade, and your upgrade will be fine.

Finally, follow Mike's and Daniel's blogs. They know everything about Oracle upgrades.